Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi (ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ, Jako Tirimentenpibosshi) is a klutzy expendable member of the Galactic Patrol who claims to be a super elite To the public on Earth, Jaco was initially known as Mask Man (a name which he personally detested), but later convinced them to refer to him as Super Elite He is the protagonist of the eponymous manga Jaco the ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ 歳前後。本人いわくスーパーエリート。うっかり地球に不時着してしまい、帰る方法を模索しながら徳之進の家に居候している。 大盛 徳之進(おおもり とくのしん) 67歳。島に一人で住み、亡き妻への想いからタイムマシンを作ろうと試みる研究者。List of Dragon Ball characters Jaco Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi (ジャコ・ティリメンテンピボッシ) is an alien galactic patrolman who is the main character of Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, a manga by Akira Toriyama set before the events of Dragon Ball A member of the Galactic Patrol, a cosmic police force that is led by the and tasked with keeping order throughout the Milky Way Jaco Teirimentenpibosshi Character Anisearch ジャコ ティリメンテンピボッシ